우송 하 다 JSP 메 일 발송 실례 vishal_donth gave this response on 10/18/2000: //these are the pakages to be imported from // Java Mail //The Java Mail PAckage either be dowloaded //seperately //or else is Available in the J2sdkee1.2 // (Java Ent... JSSPP 발보내다우송 하 다우편물사실실례예.
JSP 메 일 발송 실례 vishal_donth gave this response on 10/18/2000: //these are the pakages to be imported from // Java Mail //The Java Mail PAckage either be dowloaded //seperately //or else is Available in the J2sdkee1.2 // (Java Ent... JSSPP 발보내다우송 하 다우편물사실실례예.